Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We opened the reception with mine and Ryans first dance. We danced to "You have my attention" by Copeland. It had been our song pretty much since we got together for so many reasons. I still get teary eyed thinking of how important that song is to me and how Ryan showed that he loved me for me no matter what had happened or what I had been through. Hes a keeper!
Ryan of course danced with his mom and I opted to dance with my mom along with him. Over the years my mom and I got increasingly closer and I just felt like she deserved to be honored with that dance. No hard feelings from my dads of course :)
The food we had absolutely incredible! yum

The desserts...unreal! yumyum!

But of course my favorite part of the reception was the cutting of the cake!
I know I had mentioned in previous posts but in case it slipped your mind I was knocked up! :) I was just about 5 months pregnant when we got married. A week before the wedding I had an ultrasound done but had the technician keep it a secret from Carynn and I. She wrote it down, out it in a SEALED envelope,I gave it to Amanda, who then gave it to the baker. Why you ask? We did the gender reveal in the cutting of the cake. It was totally Amandas idea and a great one at that! If it was a girl the baker was to make the frosting on the inside pink and if it was a boy then it would be blue.
The anticipation was almost too much! Our friends and family were as excited to find out what our little ball of joy was going to be an Audrey Mae or a Lincoln Jaxon.
As we are cutting the cake people arre chanting "blue, blue,blue". I started to get nervous...what if it was pink?
Well it was blue. And as you can see Ryan was really torn up about it.

1 comment:

Amber said...

You had a beautiful wedding! Such a great idea for the cake ;0)