Monday, March 14, 2011


We were totally lucky enough to have a family member with a beautiful house that would allow our 100 guests come and celebrate our day there. My Aunt Rea and Uncle Pat were absolutely amazing for letting us take over their house for 2 days. They live in the hills of Escondido which made for a beautiful backdrop for our wedding. It was slightly cooler then it usually is in September, so the great weather coupled with great surroundings made for a beautiful day
The ceremony was beautiful and sweet and so full of love and laughs. Being surrounded by our friends and family and feeling so much love and support was beyond words.
Our good friend Thom Green married us. It was absolutely perfect! Hes funny and sweet and more importantly loves us and he made that very clear in what he said. We decided to write our own vows, this was really important to me. I wanted Ryan to know exactly how I felt and how proud I was that I was becoming his wife.

I can remember when we were making our exit at the end of the ceremony thinking that it was going by too fast and all I wanted was for this to last forever. Feeling beautiful and having our closest friends and family around us all in a breathtaking setting...who wouldn't want that to last? :)


Carynn Mae Eren. said...

I just noticed that Kevy and I are both turning to blab to someone in that last photo

Kelly Tidwell said...

Your wedding looked absolutely beautiful. So much character and style. I wish i could get married all over again just to have this.
Love it! Should have been in Brides Magazine.