Monday, September 6, 2010

Amanda Dale, Faith, & Natalee


Amanda my very dear friend, confidant, bridesmaid, and wedding extraordinaire! This woman has managed to balance all these things and be incredible at all of it at the same time. Amanda loves me and her job so I think I get the better end of the deal :) Her love for her husband and her fight for her marriage and whats important to her is an inspiration and it means everything to me that she will standing next to me.


Faith, my sister from another mister. Although Faith lives in Texas (which is totally MY fault :) the distance has not phased our friendship. We may not talk as often as I would want and of course the distance makes visits short and far between but my love for her and our relationship has only grown stronger. She is a great wife and mother and encourages me to be both. So excited that she came all the way out here to stand next to me on Friday.


Natalee my sweet sweet girl. She just GETS me you know? I don't have to be afraid to tell her how I feel about anything and I can say just about anything and she will be unfazed. Her quiet support of me and my family has done more for my confidence then I could ever say. She loves me and Ryan too :) and I can't imagine not knowing her.

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