Monday, January 4, 2010

Just breathe...

Looking back on 2009. Realizing what a beautiful and peaceful year it was, compared to years past. It flew by swiftly with few bumps. I guess I didn't realize it because I tend to live my life holding my breath. Waiting for the next painful experience or heartbreak. Yes I experienced loss. And it hurt. But I have been able to move forward allowing it to strengthen me as opposed to defining me. It seems as though my mind has moved forward but my heart is crawling toward restoration. I think theres a part of me that thinks it does not want to move forward. As if the future, or unknown, is scarier then living in continual heartache. I am committing to living this next year to breathing deep. Loving and living every moment of my life. Enjoying my loves, my family and my dear dear friends.


Moon & Little said...

well said.

I feel like I have felt that same way many times.


It's weird that being happy can be scarier than being unhappy.

love u.

Angi said...

Love you too Shmean