Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer time pt. 1

Summer has arrived even though we have had a few days of "June gloom" and I couldn't be happier! The susn out, I get to use my tanning lotion, I get to wear less clothing, and because its hot outside its socially acceptable for me to drink a margarita at every meal :)

Heres some stuff thats been going on....

Lauren Beck(Mariglia) and her cute cute family came out form Arizona to visit/get her hair done. Yes thats right! She drives all the way from AZ to get her hair done by ME! The fact that we've know each other for 17 years and I that I taught her how to wear a bra in the 4th grade probably has nothing to do with it :) .Anyways I went over to Lauren's parents house for dinner and it was so much fun. We hung out, talked, laughed A LOT, and watched the best of Molly Shannon.

Memorial Day was spent up at Jan and Keith Kahn's house who are absolute saints for letting us use their beautiful house and pool for the holiday. Good food, good friends, good times. The babies and the boys swam while the moms relaxed next to the pool, feeling absolutely relieved that we didn't have a kid hanging on us:)

As I mentioned before I am a fan of the margarita so we've dining out so I cant get my fix (I only drink one at a time, no worries). Carynn and Kevy are usually down to get down on some food too so it always ends up being a miniature partyyy



Summer looks good on Stella...

more to come.

1 comment:

Maria said...

looks like you had a great time:)and that pool looks so gorgeous...i wish the uk had pools in their gardens!xxx